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Ekpa Not One Of Us, Stop Linking Him To IPOB And ESN – IPON Warns Media

  We have observed with dismay the deliberate moves of some compromised media houses and social media platforms to attribute Simon Ekpa to t...


We have observed with dismay the deliberate moves of some compromised media houses and social media platforms to attribute Simon Ekpa to the membership of the noble family of Indigineous People of Biafra (IPOB).

For the purposes of clarity and emphasis, the said Simon Ekpa is not in any way registered unit member of IPOB, nor is he connected to Eastern Security Network (ESN).

It is therefore, imperative that media houses are appropriately guided to reflect this reality in their publications, henceforth.


We want the public to take note of the following:


1. We are mindful of the concerted efforts of DSS and similar agencies to infiltrate, undermine and divide IPOB  with the sole motive of weakening the organisation from within.


2. It is to be reiterated emphatically that IPOB  is not divided, has no factional leadership or involved in any entity associated with efforts to criminalize the social-political space in the South East.


3. Those referring to the said Ekpa as a factional leader of IPOB are either misguided, ill informed or playing the script of DSS who are his main sponsors with main agenda to destabilize  the South East with the use of criminals.


4. Ekpa is unknown to ESN. The fact that he has been using ESN name to dupe gullible people through his endless fund raising schemes, does not in anyway link him to ESN formed by IPOB.


5. Ekpa has an inconspicuous group called government in Exile. He can be seen in most of his social media videos alluding to this very facts.


It is therefore worrying that some media houses have persisted in attributing membership of IPOB to Simon Ekpa irrespective of the obvious. We appeal to ladies and gentlemen of the media to please refrain from associating Ekpa as a member of IPOB because he is not. Recall, in 2016 DSS created a phantom factional IPOB leader known as Okwudili. This time around they have unvailed Simon Ekpa who was the Okwudili of REN- IPOB.  What the Government of Nigeria is doing today with Simon Ekpa is the same mission to divide and destroy IPOB from within  which failed with the vailed Okwudili of REN-IPOB.



All the efforts to bring IPOB down will fail and will continue to fail until Biafra is restored.





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