A Sokoto government official has threatened that more Christians in Nigeria will be murdered if they say things considered disrespectful t...
A Sokoto government official has threatened that more
Christians in Nigeria will be murdered if they say things considered
disrespectful to their revered Prophet Muhammad, following the gruesome killing
of Deborah Samuel, a Christian female student of Shehu Shagari College of
Education, Wamako.
Specifically, Anas Mohammad Sani, who, according to his
Facebook bio, is a personal assistant to the Sokoto finance commissioner, had
asserted that Ms Samuel was brutally murdered because she was reckless with her
A pro-President Muhammadu Buhari regime’s social media
contractor, Zara Oyinye, had taken to her Facebook page to comment on the
action of the Sokoto mob who killed the Christian student.
Reacting to Ms Oyinye’s post, Mr Sani, popularly known as
Uncle Anas Dakura on Facebook, insisted Muslim mob justifiably murdered Ms
He warned, “Muslims don’t take insults against beloved
prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
in whatever form.”
Justifying the gruesome murder of the female Christian
student, Mr Sani said, “The earlier our Christian brothers and sisters
understand this, the better for all of us. May the recklessness of our tongues
never drive us to (an) early grave.”
The so-called Sokoto government’s aide doubled down on
Friday morning, censuring those outraged by the murder of the Christian
“We have just a life to live and enjoy. We can make noise on
Twitter and condemn the mob action using the Queen’s English. However, that
cannot bring back Deborah back to life. More so, if anyone will repeat it
tomorrow, the probability of being served same meal is 99.9%,” Mr Sani
"Our WhatsApp group was created for assignments, tests,
exams; not religious messages,” said slain Deborah Samuel
Ms Samuel, a 200 level Home-Economics student accused of
blasphemy, had complained bitterly over the influx of religious broadcast
messages shared to her department’s WhatsApp page.
In a WhatsApp voice note, the deceased reminded her
coursemates that the group was created solely for academic purpose, such as
sharing important information regarding tests, assignments, deadlines,
examinations and the likes.
“Holy ghost fire, nothing would happen to me. Is it by force
you guys keep sending these religious messages in our group? Our group wasn’t
created for that, but rather as a notice for when there’s a test, assignment,
examinations, etc. Not these nonsense religious posts,” voiced Ms Samuel on her
department’s WhatsApp group and heard by Peoples Gazette.
The voice message elicited the fury of fanatic coursemates
and schoolmates who found her comment unflattering to their Islamic beliefs.
Ms Deborah was mobbed at the school’s security post by angry
students who hit her repeatedly with sticks and stones till she died.
According to a student who witnessed the development and
passed its preliminary details to The Gazette, her dying body was roasted
alongside the building where she sought safety.
The Gazette could not independently verify the witness’
information, but an online video showed how the student was set alight.
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